Power BI Report – Market Summary – UK Care Homes

This BI report is updated daily with the latest information, giving you the opportunity to break down the market into actionable insights or targeted strategic campaigns for your sales teams to take action on.

£1,500.00 (excl. VAT)

What Can You Expect From Our Live Power BI Reports?

Caterlyst’s Power BI report allows you to analyse and segment live Care Home sector data.  You can create a data-driven culture, where decisions rely on evidence, rather than hearsay or conjecture.

You Can Access:

  • Live data that is constantly updated
  • Granular, fully interactive information
  • A comprehensive site list and addresses, linked to Google Maps


Be Better Informed with Care Home Data that Includes:

  • Information on over 23,500 care homes, with in excess of 590,000 beds
  • A breakdown of Group and Independently owned sites
  • Important micro information, such as the dominant contract caterer supplying 360 of the 1,000 care homes who use that type of service

Bringing Data to Life

Static data tables can be hard to interpret, but Power BI visualises the data, so you can quickly see and source the information that you really need.  For example, you can quickly view relationships between sites and wholesalers, broken down by groups and location.

Example Filters:

  • Type, for example; with/without nursing, retirement villages, young adults etc.
  • Identity of wholesale supplier
  • Location, by region


A Caterlyst Power BI Report will transform your business planning, marketing and sales activity, creating positive outcomes and adding real value to your business.

Reports cost just £1,500 ex. VAT for 12 months of access